The Weekend Setup: March 2, 2023

March Monthly Challenge: Take the Stairs

As we approach the end of winter and the beginning of spring, it’s the perfect time to add a little extra exercise into our routines. And what better way to do that than by taking the stairs whenever possible. Don’t worry, we’re not talking about scaling skyscrapers here – just opting for the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. By taking the stairs, you can increase your heart rate and burn a few extra calories throughout the day. And who knows, you might even beat your coworkers to the top floor. So why not challenge yourself this month to take the stairs when you can – your heart (and possibly your waistline) will thank you.

What to Watch: 1883 and 1923

If you’re a fan of Yellowstone and Taylor Sheridan, then I highly recommend checking out the prequels, 1883 and 1923. These two spin-offs take place in a time before Yellowstone, with 1883 following the Dutton family’s journey from Texas to Montana while 1923 has multiple storylines in Montana and Africa. Personally, I’m not a big fan of Yellowstone, it’s a little too over the top for me. But 1883 and 1923 really are great dramas.

Style Upgrade: Peter Millar

Gone are the days of fashion faux pas on the golf course. It’s time for men to step up their style game and invest in a Peter Millar pullover. Not only will this classic and soft piece keep you warm on the fairway, but it will also elevate your business casual look. Upgrade your wardrobe with one of these pullovers, and you’ll see how it gives off an effortless, stylish vibe that’s hard to ignore. Plus, it’s a smart investment that will last you for years to come. With a Peter Miller pullover, you’ll never have to choose between comfort and style again.