The Weekend Setup: August 24, 2023

What to Read: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield is a must-read for anyone looking to break through their creative blocks and accomplish goals. This witty and informative work offers a unique perspective on the creative process and the countless ways in which we sabotage our own success. With a friendly, dry tone, Pressfield pulls no punches in his examination of the many forms of resistance that stand between us and our dreams. Whether you’re an aspiring artist or entrepreneur, The War of Art is an indispensable guide to overcoming the obstacles that keep us from reaching our full potential. So grab a copy, settle in, and get ready to start conquering your resistance, one page at a time.

What to Watch: WeCrashed on Apple TV+

Are you looking for a weekend binge-watch recommendation? Let me introduce you to WeCrashed on Apple TV+. I finally got around to watching it and let me tell you – it’s absolutely ridiculous (in the best way possible). This true story of the rise and fall of WeWork is equal parts fascinating and infuriating, with plenty of jaw-dropping moments that will have you glued to the screen. Plus, the cast (featuring Jared Leto and Anne Hathaway) is top-notch. So if you’re looking for a series that will both inform and entertain, give WeCrashed a chance. Just be prepared to be left with some serious questions about the state of modern capitalism.

Weekend Chore: Deep Clean the Fridge

Ah, the weekend. A time to relax, catch up on some Netflix, or perhaps tackle that not-so-fun chore. This weekend, consider deep cleaning the refrigerator. But fear not, my friend, for I have some tips and tricks to make this task a little less daunting. First, start by emptying everything out and tossing anything that has gone bad or expired. Next, mix together some warm water and dish soap (or vinegar for extra cleaning power) and scrub away all the grime and spills. Don’t forget to clean the shelves and drawers, too! And for those hard-to-reach spots, a toothbrush or Q-tip works wonders. Trust me, once you have a sparkling clean fridge, you’ll feel like a domestic superhero. Plus, you’ll have plenty of room to stock up on your favorite snacks and beverages for the week ahead.

Weekend Sale: Suitsupply’s Perennial Suits Are In Stock

These are not on sale, but Suitsupply recently added their Perennial suit collection, offering customers an affordable yet high-quality option. This line is one of the best suits you can find in its price range, making it a great choice for those who want a premium look without breaking the bank. Which is tough to do when buying a nice suit these days. With Suitsupply’s attention to detail and commitment to quality though, you can be sure that the Perennial suits will provide a sophisticated and timeless look for any occasion.